Amairo no life

Unlock the Mind?

Strange things happened recently and one of them is that I registered myself to Writing 101. This is actually my first time registering to something like this, even though there had many challenges made by wordpress staff, during all the years that I’m registered here. Indeed this is not my first blog, but this is the one I’m using now and I freely write what I want.

Why I registered?
– Well, the people who read my blog knows that I’m working and studying, and the fact is that I don’t have enough time to come here and write, even though I want it. I should finally understand how to do it through my phone or actually I need to by a tablet. Will see.

The first post is to write what I want in 20 minutes, so I’m actually writing what comes first in my head. I’m trying to “unlock my mind” in some way. There had many things that happened to me lately and I want to write about them as well, but to be honest, I’ll need more that 20 minutes to describe all, and I want to write it proper.

I’m totally okay with the fact that somebody may read what I wrote. True myself is in here. In this blog, on my Ameblo and in Twitter. So that’s why I’m not going to password-protect this post and will leave it the way it is.

Even though I don’t have enough time, I want to write more and more, so if I know, that I have daily challenge, I’ll find some time to sit down and write it. Just like now. I have only 40 minutes to prepare myself for work, but I’m here, typing and ready to publish my thoughts, which are very scattered in any possible way.

The fact that it’s raining outside makes me feel kind of a sad and I don’t want to go to work today. I heard the news on the TV and they said that there is possibility for snow. In April!!! However, I’m planning to wear some more winter-ish clothes and to be ready for the cold store, in which I’m woring. But it’s Monday – it means that if we are lucky, there mustn’t be many people in it. Watching it from the other side – it’s rainy, so they will be again in. But I can’t do anything about it.

Anyhow, soon my 20 minutes will be over, so I’ll be able to start preparing myself to go there. I have a free day tomorrow, so I’m interested what will be the tomorrow’s idea for writing.


7 thoughts on “Unlock the Mind?

  1. Hullo there fellow writer101!
    It snowing in my area. Don’t feel sad and use the opportunity to put on your best looking boots assorted to your best looking umbrella. And then jump in the puddles as you used to when you were a child… well, do that after work of course 😉


  2. Welcome to Writing 101, I registered last year but I couldn’t finish it, I’m hoping that I could finish this year. Nice to see someone finally decided to join this prompt writing.

    I also feel sad every time the rain is pouring, but i don’t know why.

    Your writing is so interesting..


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